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Drifter Cover Contest

Announcing the Drifter Cover Contest!

Contest Rules

  1. All participants must be 18yrs old or younger.
  2. Drawings should be submitted in PDF (Portable document format) if possible. Mailed in entries should be mailed to the club’s post office box and arrive no later than June 30, 2020. Please do not fold the drawings. Emailed entries in PDF or JPEG should be emailed to webmaster@svr-pca.org.
  3. Submitted drawings can be submitted using PCA’S coloring pages or a drawing of any Porsche model freehand, traced or any method but must not infringe any copyright.
  4. Judging will be performed by the Drifter Editor and Webmaster.
  5. Four (4) prizes will be awarded. One for each age group.
  6. The grand prize of having your drawing used as a cover for the drifter will be selected from the four groups. Each group will be judged using appropriate criteria for the different age groups. No group has a better chance of winning.
  7. The winners will be announced with the publishing of the July Drifter.
  8. All drawings will be posted to our club website.


  1. First place prize winner will have their drawing used as the cover (mast head) of the July issue of the Drifter.
  2. The winner of age group eight and under will win either a kids meal gift certificate or a beginning art set .
  3. The winner of age group nine to twelve will win either a beginner’s art set or a gift certificate for a go kart race. Note to be eligible to accept the go kart certificate, the winner must fulfill the requirements of the facility, including height.
  4. The winner of age group thirteen to fifteen can also win either a go kart race or an art set. The winner must fulfill the requirements of the facility, including height.
  5. The winner of the age group sixteen through eighteen will win a day of autocross introduction, riding with an instructor. Note, in order to be eligible to ride and attend an autocross event, the winner (if under 18yrs) must be enrolled in the PCA Junior Program and fulfill the requirements of the autocross team. The timing will coincide with direction from the government concerning distancing.


Any commonly used artist materials are allowed, including colored pencils, paint, pens, markers and collage. You can download the PCA Porsche templates HERE. Or you can use your own design.

To choose your image or images, select the image and right click on your mouse. Select “Save as” and you can down load the image to a folder of your choice. You can print the image once you are done.

Make sure and fill out the entry form found at the top of the Porsche coloring book